Private Sessions
Harvard Professor Alyssa Goodman asks Kathleen Medina, "What does an astrologer do?"
KATHLEEN MEDINAÂ is an intuitive with more than twenty five years of professional experience. She has practiced in numerous healing centers both abroad and in the US and was on staff at Canyon Ranch for ten years in their metaphysical department. Her gift is matrilineal passed on through three generations. Her work has helped guide thousands of people on their life path.
She offers three different services depending on the needs of the client: numerology, astrology, and tarot as well as her own natural clairvoyant abilities.
Each modality presents information to assist the client in achieving greater awareness and empowerment. Every session is designed to bring clarity in whatever area of life there are questions: career, relationships, health and wellness in a style that is positive, direct, and pragmatic.
Consultations are available by phone or via Zoom. Each session is recorded and a digital audio file will be emailed after the session.
One-hour sessions are $180.00 and can be paid by PayPal, Venmo or via Credit Card.
To book a session email kathleen at [email protected].